We had a wonderful weekend. I wish I would have taken pictures. Yesterday we had the whole family over to celebrate Art's, Julie's and James' birthdays. Can you believe I have a grandchild that is at least an inch taller than me. This is the first time that we noticed that he had passed me up.
With the wall down we were able to fit everyone comfortably in the same room. We had all of the adults including Audrey and James at the table and were able to fit a small table in the room for the younger children. Then we had a one year old in the high chair and the two babies just sat on laps. We figure we have room for 4 more children, the two babies when they are older and 2 more. After Colin and Chris are married we will be in for a total remodel. My favorite part of the day was playing duck duck goose with our 5, 3, two 2 and 1 year old grandchildren. They had so much fun, it was just fun watching their excitement. How blessed we are to have this family and to watch the blessing of our children as they marry wonderful spouses and start families of their own.
Saturday I attended the baptism of one of my former students. She is also the niece of one of our daughter in laws. At the baptism her bishop said something that really touched me. He talked about how he had had a lot of people talk to him lately whose faith had been shaken. He said that he said to them, "Tell me a better story, tell me your story..." And he said that he had never heard of any other way to live that is a better story or plan than following Heavenly Father's plan. That is so true! When this sweet little girl was later confirmed and I heard her father say...And I say unto you receive the Holy Ghost. Wow! I wondered if she had any clue of what a wonderful gift she had just received. We are so blessed to have the fullness of the gospel in our lives.
Last of all I would like to add my voice to those of others to encourage those people living in California to vote yes to Proposition 8. The family unit is the basis of God's plan. This is a marriage between a man and a woman. Please read these two blogs that I was so impressed with and fully agree with. I hope they don't mind my putting their addresses here as I don't know any other way to do it. http://www.burnah.blogspot.com/ , http://www.zdylanh.blogspot.com/ Our families do depend on this!
I like that line too, "Tell me a better story". Thank goodness there is no better story, we have the best one.
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