Last month we had a wall torn down in our Kitchen so we would have more room when everyone came over to dinner. When we put the extensions on the table we were so squished.
So now we don't have a hall anymore. Saturday I painted the ceiling so the hall and kitchen ceilings would match.
Now we have room when these beautiful young ladies,
and these two quickly growing up almost teens,
and these cute little ones come over.
Of course we also have room for their moms and dads and uncles and for great grandma and great grandpa.
Grandpa is sitting right where the wall used to be. After I painted the ceiling it looked so white and clean. I love painting because it makes such a difference so quickly.
Saturday night I went to the Relief Society broadcast. I loved President Uchtdorf's talk. Sunday we had a similar theme at our church women's meeting. The lesson was on how we are all daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us. President Uchtdorf also spoke about how we are all valued women of Heavenly Father. As I look at my bright white paint I know that in time it will fade and gradually lose it brilliant color. Someone (probably a grandchild) will squirt ketchup up on it and I won't notice for months. Then in a few years I will realize that it really needs to be painted again. I think that is how it is with our feeling of self worth. I wish the ceiling would always look just like it looks now. I also wish I could always remember what I have always known that I am daughter of a Heavenly Father that loves me. Why do we as women compare our selves to others and many times find fault with ourselves. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of Elder Uchtdorf's talk so I can again remember his wonderful message.

Saturday night I went to the Relief Society broadcast. I loved President Uchtdorf's talk. Sunday we had a similar theme at our church women's meeting. The lesson was on how we are all daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us. President Uchtdorf also spoke about how we are all valued women of Heavenly Father. As I look at my bright white paint I know that in time it will fade and gradually lose it brilliant color. Someone (probably a grandchild) will squirt ketchup up on it and I won't notice for months. Then in a few years I will realize that it really needs to be painted again. I think that is how it is with our feeling of self worth. I wish the ceiling would always look just like it looks now. I also wish I could always remember what I have always known that I am daughter of a Heavenly Father that loves me. Why do we as women compare our selves to others and many times find fault with ourselves. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of Elder Uchtdorf's talk so I can again remember his wonderful message.
Bobby, it sounds as if you are a Christian. So am I. My blog is if you feel like visiting, but I found your site when looking for people who enjoy Christian fantasy. May I suggest a title to try? "Outcasts Of Skagaray" is an action adventure fantasy, Christian allegory, which you can preview by reading the sample chapters on It would be a joy if you read and enjoyed the book, but whatever happens, blessings to you and yours.
Don't you love it when a big home project gets done? That and a little paint can make the whole house feel new. That's also why I love rearranging the furniture... loved your blog entry today...
I like this entry...I like how you compared fresh paint to a fresh self-esteem...I wish mine would remain fresh and clean and white all the time too...I sure do like your cooking, even your lasagna, I hope you feel heroic sometimes when you cook. I did yesterday when my rolls turned out for the first time (no, not homemade rolls, frozen rolls).
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