I have always felt so blessed that I have been lucky enough to have had the two best careers in the world. I was lucky enough to have been able to be a stay at home mom when all of my children were young, and then to have been able to teach and have a little part in the lives of 15 years worth of first graders. Here is a picture of this years class as we went to the pumpkin patch today. Each child was able to pick out a pumpkin.

Here are the after pictures once the children used foam shapes to put faces on their pumpkins. They turned out so cute.
First grade is the best! I went back to see my first grade teacher every year after I left her. I adored her. I'm sure that's the kind of first grade teacher you are too. Those were great pictures.
Oh, cute. That reminds me of why I liked teaching. The kids are so cute and fun. I went on Andrew's pumpkin patch field trip. It was so fun being with a bunch of Kindergartners.
I really benefited first hand from your first career! Thanks for choosing the career path you did... you did such an amazing job.
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